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Semata Sewana AR Photo Booth

This augmented reality application developed for Semata Sewana’s special event.

Object Rendering App

This is Unity 3D app for visualize ideal objects.

Touch Based Application

This is a touch based app for dialog’s new data center opening event.

Virtual Dressing Room App

This is a Kinect V2 application, developed using unity 3D.

Dialog Night of Stars AR Project

This augmented reality application developed for dialog’s special event.

Kinetic Quiz Application

This is a Kinect V2 application, developed using unity 3D.

Wilson Tennis Ball

Created using Maya, just for fun 


Created using Maya, just for fun 

VR Home

This is a VR application develop using unity 3D for Oculus rift environment.


3D Barrel  This 3D model created just for fun when I have free time, its low poly and clean.