Category: Augmented Reality

Dialog Redee Reyak AR Photobooth

This augmented reality application developed for Dialog Redee Reyak event.

Augmented Reality Photobooth App

This is a Kinect V2 application, developed using unity 3D.

AR Application for Semata Sewana

This AR project for Semata Sewana event in Srilanka. use unity game engine to make this happen.

Semata Sewana AR Photo Booth

This augmented reality application developed for Semata Sewana’s special event.

Virtual Dressing Room App

This is a Kinect V2 application, developed using unity 3D.

Dialog Night of Stars AR Project

This augmented reality application developed for dialog’s special event.

AR Application

This augmented reality application is different from other augmented reality applications

AR Application for Residency

Image target based AR app